Monday, 14 May 2012

Why we get Hiccups ?

A hiccup is very normal to us. But do we actually know why hiccups occur ? A hiccup is a contraction of the diaphragm that repeats several times per minute. In humans, the abrupt rush of air into the lungs causes the vocal sounds to close, creating a "hic" sound. Hiccups are the result of an action the body takes to protect itself.

Hiccups can start because hot food has irritated the phrenic nerve or when gas in the stomach presses upward against the diaphragm. The diaphragm separates the chest from the stomach. The diaphragm tightens and pulls air into the lungs. Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm that occur along with contractions of the larynx and closure of the glottis, arresting the inflow of air. Hiccups are commonly induced by minor stomach upsets.

What are the causes of Hiccups ?

  • Overeating
  • Rapid eating
  • Sudden temperature changes
  • Laughing
  • Tobacco use
  • Consuming alcohol, dry breads, some spicy food
  • Abdominal surgery can also irritate the nerves that control diaphragm, causing hiccups

How to Overcome Hiccups ?
A solution involving sugar placed on or under the tongue can be an efficient method. It has seen that the process of holding one's breath serves to quite the sound caused due to hiccups. When the breath is held in such a way that the chest cavity and lips are used to create a prison for the sound, hiccups can go unnoticed, but it must be noted that hiccups will run their full course when the method is acknowledged.
Home treatment like drinking water is effective. Biting lemon can also be effective for hiccups.

Most hiccups will stop on their own. Home remedies are generally sufficient to resolve hiccuping. For persistent hiccups (lasting more than three hours) treatment varies. Some muscle relaxants, sedatives, analgesics and even stimulants have been reported to help alleviate hiccup symptoms.

Note : Hiccups are often rhythmic. They are usually just a temporary minor annoyance, but prolonged hiccups may signal a major medical problem.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Super Earth

                                                            First light from a Super-Earth spotted !
According to NASA's scientists who are studying the alien planet using Spitzer Space Telescope that light from a "super Earth" has been detected for the first time. The light from Jupiter-like gas giants has been seen before. But the new finding proves that researchers can now detect the infrared glow from smaller, more Earth-like worlds.

The planet called 55 Cancri e, falls into a class of planets termed super Earths, which are more massive than our planet Earth but lighter than giant planets like Neptune. The planet is about twice as big and eight times as massive than Earth. It orbits a bright star, called 55 Cancri, in 18 hours. Like the majority of known extrasolar planets, 55 Cancri e was discovered by detecting variations in its star's radical velocity.

 Since the planet's discovery in 2004, scientists have unearthed a number of its properties. Dubbed 55 Cancri e, the planet lies roughly 40 light-years away in the constellation Cancer, the Crab. The planet has a perpetually sun-facing side that is about 1725° C. Despite the high temperatures, it is still a waterworld - a planet with atmospheres extremely high in water vapour. High temperatures and pressures on waterworlds turn the water into states of matter that do not exist on Earth such as hot ice or superfluid water.

Why is it called Super-Earth ?
Compared with our planet Earth, 55 Cancri e has radius around two times as that of Earth. Its mass is about 7.8 Earth masses, thus classifying it as the Super-Earth.

It was initially unknown whether 55 Cancri e was a small gas giant like Neptune or a large rocky terrestrial planet. The high density on this planet suggests that the planet has a "rock-iron" composition supplemented by a significant mass of water, gas or other light elements. A scientist of the California Institute of Technology said, "One of the best ways to get information on a planet is to study the light that is emitted and to do that you have to be able to detect the light in the first place".

Now that scientists have demonstrated how to use Spitzer to spot and characterize small planets, they will be able to use similar techniques to explore other super-Earths.

Monday, 7 May 2012


MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a numerical computing environment. It is used in digital image processing. It is a fourth-generation language. It allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java and Fortran.

MATLAB is a programming language developed by MathWorks. It started out as a matrix programming language where linear algebra programming was simple. It can be run both under interactive sessions and as a batch job. Most MATLAB scripts and functions can be run in the open source programme octave. This is freely available for most computing platforms. MATLAB, among other things, can perform the functions of a simple calculator from the command line.

MATLAB is interesting in that it is dynamically complied. In other words, when you are using it, you would not run all your code through a compiler, generate an executable, and then run the executable file to obtain a result. Instead, MATLAB simply goes line by line and performs the calculations without the need for an executable.

File Extensions for MATLAB programming -

.fig - MATLAB figure
.m - MATLAB function, script or class
.mat - MATLAB binary file for storing variables
.mex - MATLAB executable (platform specific, ".mexmac" for Mac, ".mexglx" for Linux)

MATLAB was first adopted by researchers and practitioners in control engineering but quickly spread to many other domains. It is now also used in education, in particular the teaching of linear algebra and numerical analysis, and is popular amongst scientists involved in image processing.  

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Rubbing Alcohol lowers fever

Is it true that rubbing alcohol helps bring down a child's fever ?
Yes,it is true that rubbing alcohol helps bring down a child's fever temporarily but this is not an appropriate solution.
Rubbing a child with rubbing alcohol used to be a popular folk remedy for quickly reducing fever. The alcohol does cool the skin as it evaporates, but the fact that it works so quickly is part of the problem.

When you cool a child too fast - with alcohol or a cool bath, for example - it can be counterproductive. The child may start to shiver, which can further raise the body temperature again. In addition, the alcohol can be absorbed through the skin as well as inhaled, causing alcohol poisoning.
There are much better options, including a cool washcloth on the forehead, a sponge bath with lukewarm to warm water. Never give aspirin to a child, as it could put him at risk for a rare but serious disease called Reye's syndrome.  

Monday, 30 April 2012

Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a type of denatured alcohol, an alcohol product rendered unfit for human consumption by the addition of poisons and bitter tasting ingredients. It is a liquid prepared and used primarily for topical application. It contains approximately 70 percent by volume of pure, concentrated ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. It is a cellular, volatile and flammable liquid. It is transparent, though it can be colored as desired.

Rubbing alcohol can be applied as a cooling, soothing application for bedridden patients and athletes. It is also widely used for cleansing surgeons' hands and instruments and for the disinfection of skin prior to the penetration by a hypodermic needle. It is also recognized as a rubefacient because it evaporates quickly and is used to cool and soothe skin. This product can also be used to harden skin, such as in the case of the fingertips of guitarists.
Some of the daily uses of Rubbing alcohol are :
Stain Removal -
It can be used to blot away fresh ink stains on carpet or clothing.For tougher stains, soak the spot in rubbing alcohol for several minutes, then wash.
In the Garden -
Rubbing alcohol can also be used to clean garden tools that have been used to remove dead, diseased and rooting plants.
Dry Erase Board Build-up -
It easily removes build up from dry erase boards, and can be swiped over dirty computer keyboards, cll phones and MP3 players.
Health and Beauty -
Helping out in beauty and fashion department, rubbing alcohol can substitute for nail polish remover and clean the backs of pierced earrings as well.
Remove Dog ticks -
Ticks hate the taste of rubbing alcohol as much as they love the taste of your dog. Before you pull a tick off, dab the critter with rubbing alcohol to make it loosen its grip.
Erase Permanent markers -
Rubbing alcohol will dissolve the marker back to a liquid state so that you can wipe it right off.

Warning - Rubbing alcohol is not a drinking alcohol.
Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation or consumption of rubbing alcohol. That is why it should be used in a well-ventilated area due to inhalation hazards. Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include headache, dizziness, central nervous system, nausea, vomiting and coma. Product labels for rubbing alcohol include a number of warnings about the chemical, including the flammability hazards and its intended use only as a topical antiseptic and not for internal wounds or consumption.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Purple Crab

Four new species of crab have been discovered in the Philippine island of Palawan. And one of the crabs truly stands out with its unusually bright purple shell. Located between the Sundaic and Philippine region, Palawan combines two of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots. Around 50 percent of the species living on Palawan are defined as endemic, which means they are exclusively native to the island.

The newly discovered purple crab species is very tiny - just one to two inches wide, so bright purple color indeed would be an advantage for recognition. Found only in small, lowland-forest ecosystems in the Palawan island group, most have purple shells, with claws and legs tipped red. The tiny crustaceans burrow under roots in streams, feeding on dead plants, fruits, carrion and small animals in the water at night. The tiny creatures can hide in spaces unavailable to their large counterparts and require less food. They can also survive in less habitat.

These newly discovered crabs are not secure. Reptiles, birds likely prey on the crabs, and it is possible that people in remote areas also collect them for food. However, the main threats are the ongoing forest clearing for farming, mining or home building, since the risks drying up their small habitats. All these activities cause water pollution leading to their elimination. Even if the habitats are not entirely destroyed, the smaller the remaining habitats, the higher is the risk of extinction for a species.

Boiling point of human saliva

Human saliva is composed of 98% water while the other 2% consists of other compounds such as electrolytes, mucus, antibacterial compounds, and various enzymes.
A person cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva. For example, if strong-tasting substance like salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not be able to taste it. As soon as a drop of saliva is added and the salt is dissolved, however, a definite taste sensation results. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase that breaks down starch into sugar. The daily salivary output ranges from 0.75 to 1.5 litres. It is generally considered that during sleep the amount of saliva drops to almost zero. 

There are many controversies regarding the boiling point of human saliva. It is assumed that the boiling point of saliva is nearly three times than that of pure water (boiling point of pure water is 100° C). But according to the mathematical calculations, it comes out to be 100.16° C.
The saliva helps detect cancer or other illness. Saliva testing using Elisa test kit helps you discover cancer cells and hormonal problems. It is also useful in drug testing and in other medical evaluations. It also helps heal the wound. Scientists have found that histatin, a small protein in saliva is responsible for the healing (previously only believed to kill bacteria).
Note : Opiorphin is a newly researched pain-killing substance found in human saliva. 

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Dark Chocolates

It's more than wishful thinking - chocolates are good for you.
Studies have revealed that eating dark chocolates may contribute to improved cardiovascular health by improving blood flow, reducing blood pressure and reducing the strain on the heart. Dark chocolates also have mild anti-blood clotting effects and help prevent the build-up of plaque that can block arteries. 

There is a 'feel good' factor present in the chocolates. Chocolate is packed with natural compounds called antioxidants which helps in reducing the risk of many kinds of illness, from heart disease to cancer. These antioxidants work by protecting the cells from damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are basically unstable oxygen molecules that can trigger changes in the structure of normally healthy cells. Dark chocolates have more antioxidants than do foods like blueberries, green tea and red wine. It contains all the vital minerals required by the body.

Copper -
It is a critical mineral that aids in the absorption of iron and is a key component of enzymes that form skin strengthening collagen. It also contributes to heart health.
Magnesium -
It helps in reducing the risk of several chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Some of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include leg cramps, migraines, fatigue, loss of appetite, depression, nausea and vomiting.
Potassium -
It is considered as a key factor in affecting blood pressure and stroke. The more potassium present in the body, the less likelihood of developing high blood pressure or stroke.
Iron -
The main function of the iron is to help carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles and other organs. If the iron content in the body is insufficient then fatigue, irritability and headache may occur. If the iron deficiency becomes significant, a person can become anemic.      

Chocolate is one of the nature's most concentrated sources of theobromine, a mild stimulant and molecular cousin of caffeine. However, unlike caffeine, it does not strongly stimulate the central nervous system. Theobromine has also been shown to reduce coughing and has been used in 'natural cough medicine'. While safe for humans, other species, such as dogs, lack the specific enzyme that metabolizes theobromine, so eating chocolate can cause them to become overstimulated. That is why it is strongly recommended that pet owners prevent dogs from eating chocolates.                                                                                          

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Varieties of Apples

Eating and drinking apples and apple juice, in conjunction with a balanced diet can protect the brain from the effects of oxidative stress and apples are one of the anti-oxidants rich fruits. Apple contains vitamins like Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, iron, potassium etc., apples are also very rich in mineral contents, malic acid which are good in normalizing the intestines.

There are different varieties of apples and each category has its own benefits.
Green Apples -
These are good for strong bones and teeth, aids for vision and in strengthening the gums. Eating fresh green apples prevent formation of plaque on the teeth. It also has anti-cancer properties. Green apples are found to be effective in reducing the risks and chances of neurodegenerative diseases like the schizophrenia, dementia, the Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Green apples can give relief from constipation, diarrhea, gout etc. These apples are also known for lowering blood cholesterol, stabilizing  blood sugar and improving appetite. It does not contain any cholesterol so helpful for people who are trying to reduce their weight.

Yellow Apples -
These are good for heart and eyes. These apples contain around three to five grams of fiber in each serving. The high levels of fiber helps in digestive support. A specific type of fiber called pectin helps in improving the digestive system. These apples are very good for baking, making apple sauce or apple butter. The apple skin contains a nutrient called quercetin, which is used to reduce the impact of allergens on the body.

A yellow delicious apple contain no sodium and proteins. It provide approximately 80 calories per serving. It contains good amount of Vitamin C. These apples contain no saturated fats, trans fats or cholesterol. It also contains a variety of flavonoids, which serve to produce inflammation and blood pressure.

Red Apples -
These apples help in improving the memory functions. Red apples have highest concentration of anti-oxidants which helps in fighting off many diseases. It lowers cholesterol and improves digestion. It also increases the immune system of human body. These are also helpful in maintaining the urinary tract health. These apples provide healthy and beautiful skin, hair and nails.


The red delicious apples are rich in sugar but contains no fats. It contains proteins and has approximately 130 calories per serving. These apples are good source of calcium, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium. These contain vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, C, E, K.
It is suggested that the apples should not be peeled because the skin on the apples has more than six times the disease-fighting chemical than the fruit on the inside.

Friday, 6 January 2012


The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, 2006. The Wii is Nintendo's fifth home console and the direct successor of the Nintendo GameCube. As a seventh generation console, the Wii primarily competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3.

The console has a wireless controller, the Wii Remote, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and detects movement in three dimensions. The Wii Remote is also known as Wiimote and it has motion sensing capability, which allows the user to interact with and manipulate items on screen through the use of optical sensor technology. Another distinctive feature of the console is WiiConnect24, which enables the user to remain connected to the internet while the console is on standby.

 The Wii console contains 512 megabytes of internal flash memory and featured an SD card slot for external storage. An SD card can be used for uploading photos as well as backing up saved game data. The Wii has a PowerPC-based "Broadway" processor by IBM clocked at 729 MHz. The Wii console is backward compatible with all the official Nintendo GameCube's software, memory cards and controllers. There is also a microphone accessory which provides more realistic features to the Nintendo's Wii and is known as Wii Speak. It is connected to the console via USB. The device features an LED to indicate when the microphone is active.

Nintendo - Nintendo Co. Ltd. is a multinational corporation located in Kyoto, Japan. It was founded in 1889. It has developed into a video game company and is Japan's third most valuable listed company with a market value of over US$85 million.

Mario is the mascot of Nintendo. As Nintendo's mascot, Mario is said to be the most famous character in video game history. The appearance shown by Mario has been changed many times during the series. Another portable game console developed by Nintendo is the Nintendo 3DS, which was released on February 26, 2011. It competes with the Sony's PlayStation Portable and the newly released PlayStation Vita. 

Monday, 2 January 2012

What are tears made of ?

Tears play an important role in keeping us healthy. To clean and lubricate the eyes tears play an important role. Tears keep the surface of our eyeballs clean and moist, and help protect our eyes from damage. The production or shedding of tears is also known as Lacrimation or Lachrymation. Although they make appear to be nothing more than water, our tears are actually complex. Tears are made of mucus, water and oil. Mucus coats the surface of the eye and helps to bind the tear layer to the eye.

In the absence of healthy mucus layer, dry spots are formed on the cornea. The water is more of a saline solution that contains vitamins and minerals vital to normal cell function. The oil of the tears prevent evaporation of the tears. Some people do not make enough oil resulting in dry eyes. If the oil component is not normal then the tears evaporate too quickly.
Our tears also contain natural antibiotics called lysozymes. These antibiotics fight against bacteria and viruses.
Types of tears :

1. Basal tears -
These tears continually keep the cornea of the eyes wet and nourished. They lubricate the eyes and help to keep it clear from the dust. Usually in a 24-hour period, 0.75 to 1.1 grams of tears are produced and the rate decreases with age.

2. Reflex tears -
These tears result from the irritation of the eyes by the presence of irritant substances such as onion vapors, tear gas, pepper spray in the eye's environment. These are also linked with vomiting, coughing and yawning. These reflex tears attempt to wash out irritants that may have come into contact with the eye.

3. Psychic tears -
These tears are referred to as crying or weeping. These are produced due to strong emotional stress, anger, suffering or physical pain. The chemical composition of these tears is little different than those required for the lubrication.

Artificial tears -
Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops used to treat dryness and irritation caused by reduced tear production, as in case of dry eye syndrome. These are also used during medical examinations and to moisten contact eye lenses. These are produced to mimic the natural tears as closely as possible. They contain water, salts and polymers, but lack proteins which are found in natural tears.