Monday 17 October 2011

Do Apple seeds and cherry pits contain poison

The attractive rose family includes apples along with cherries, almonds, peaches. Yes, apple seeds and cherry pits are poisonous. Infact if you eat enough apple seeds or cherry pits you could die. Apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanogenic acids (cyanide), which is a lethal poison but the seeds are coated with a hard seed coating which protects us from toxins. However, if you chew the seeds thoroughly you will be exposed to the chemicals inside the seeds. And if you eat the seeds without chewing then the digestive system remains untouched by the harmful chemicals.

Symptoms of  poisoning include headache, dizziness, confusion, anxiety and vomiting. Larger amount of the chemical may lead to difficulty in breathing, increased blood pressure and heart rate. It may also lead to kidney failure. As compared to the adults, children and pets are more likely to be affected by the chemicals contained in the seeds. If you eat a seed or two then there is no need to create panic as our body is able to detoxify the small quantities of cyanide compounds. They naturally occur in several foods.

Conclusion - The small quantities of cyanide compounds do not affect the human body but if taken in sufficient amount then it can be harmful and can even cause death.

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